Purchase order


This is a purchase order management system in PHP MySQL. It is a direct online application that is used to process purchase order records for a particular organization. This project has the potential to help an organization store and retrieve order records more easily. This mini-project has the potential to be used also in the development of an inventory management system. In addition to its easy-to-use features, it has a beautiful user interface.
This purchase order management system has the ability to maintain a list of all the company's suppliers, so it is easy to get information about the suppliers whenever an order is generated. In addition, it maintains a list of items that the company may have purchased from its vendors in the past. Create, read, update, and delete are the four operations that are part of both functions that were listed. In connection with the purchase order generation process, the system is able to create a printable purchase order/request sheet.

Features :

  • Less cost.
  • Ease of use.
  • Manage Supplier List
  • Manage Item List
  • Create New Purchase Order
  • View/Print Purchase Orde
  • Edit Purchase Order Details/Items
  • Delete Purchase Order Details/Items
  • Manage User List
  • Manage System/Company Information